Our Curriculum

At our Pre-school, we embrace a play-based approach, recognising that children learn best through hands-on, engaging experiences. Our curriculum, guided by the Early Years Learning Framework, fosters literacy, numeracy, and STEM skills while encouraging curiosity, independence, and risk-taking. We provide uninterrupted indoor and outdoor play, allowing children to explore their interests in a supportive environment. Using the Xplore© playground app, we strengthen communication between educators and families, ensuring a collaborative learning experience. By tailoring learning to each child's interests and abilities, we nurture a lifelong love for learning and development.

Connections To Our Community

We value our strong connections to the local community and actively engage in excursions to the local library, shops, and nearby parks, enriching the learning experience and fostering a sense of belonging.

Building Blocks Program

Our preschoolers participate in the weekly Building Blocks program at Adamstown Public School, fostering early connections with the school environment and promoting a seamless transition to formal education.

Extra Curricula Activities

We are committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle through a variety of programs that enhance children's fundamental movement skills while fostering a positive sense of identity.